The department is attending restoration/
conservation of the state protected monuments in a phased manner according to
the availability of funds and as per the requirement of the monuments which is a
continuous process.

The department also conducts regular survey, identification
and excavation of archaeological sites in order to include these sites/monuments
in the list of State protected monuments.

Similarly the department preserves its archival records in its
three Repositories viz Srinagar, Jammu and Leh to provide research facilities to
the Scholars and historians etc.

The modern scientific and chemical treatment is also given to
the records for safety and security of the records.

The records are also digitized so that easy access is provided
to the needed scholars and permanent safety of the record is ensured.

Likewise the artifacts and antiquities are housed in State
Museums to showcase the heritage of the State to the visitors coming from the
nation as well as foreign.

The quantity of artifacts is enhanced from different means like
excavations, donations and purchase.